Let it Go

The transition to the 5th dimensional being of love and connectedness involves letting go of old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that no longer serve our highest good. This process of releasing can be challenging, as it involves confronting and overcoming deeply ingrained habits and thought patterns.

How are we able to receive new ideas, new joy, new love, and new possibilities if our hands and hearts are so full of old stuff that no longer serve us.  The best image of this is meeting someone who his holding out a special gift for us so carefully and thoughtfully planned, but we are not able to receive it or even reach out our hands because we are clinging on to the past.  Sometimes we need to put some things down in order to embrace something new.

Spring cleaning that sweeps away the cob webs, wipes the dirts and grime, and organizes the closets brings images of cartoon sparkles to our hearts and minds.  Clean sparkles and gleaming new life.  Imagine a world full of people with open hearts and minds able to receive new teaching and experiences.  Imagine a world where people have open hands and hearts and minds to receive no longer carrying weight from the past.

There is a reason the theme song for the movie “Frozen” is “Let it Go”.  Instead to proclaiming “chill out, dude”, we may need to recommend, “Thaw out, dude”!

Here is a Top 10 list of things to release in your process of spiritual growth:

  1. Forgiveness allows us to release the person or event renting space in our energy. You know the truth, “Holding anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”.  When we forgive, we are not doing it for the other person, we  doing it for ourselves.

  2. Relinquish control of others, realizing everyone is on their own path. Winning arguments or convincing people only serves to feed our ego and alienate others.

  3. Let go of a plan for an expected outcome.  Sometimes the best memories emerge when we allow Spirit and others to surpass our dreams.

  4. Release your limits in thinking, "I could never do or accomplish that!" If you have a dream or idea, believe that it was given for you to explore and to enjoy.

  5. You have permission to get rid of Mom’s gelatin mold, Dad’s tackle box, and grandma’s cook book.  Recipes are now on the internet; the metal box is super heavy; when is the last time you made gelatin.  Take a picture to keep the memory; donate the stuff to charity; sell and re-home the stuff to pay for your dream vacation.

  6. Free from what other people think.  You were specially created to have earth lessons and to share your unique gifts.  Follow your dreams, not someone else’s.

  7. No more shame or guilt.  Did you mess up?   Even in golf there is such a thing as a “mulligan”, a “do over”.   Learn the lesson; learn it once; maybe learn it 3x.  Celebrate the win of learning.  You got what you needed from it.  Move on.

  8. AA is right, “Accept the things you cannot change.”  Get the beauty rest we all need and surrender “what could have been”.  Spend time dreaming of today and your future hopes and dreams.

  9. Release the fears & do what scares you.  Most fears fill us with doubt and “what ifs”. The more we get out of your comfort zone, the more fear will subside.

  10. No more staying small - share with others what you’re thinking/feeling. Communicate with others what works for you and doesn’t work for you. Expressing yourself is an important part of authenticity and integrity.


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