DO’ing vs. BE’ing

As Americans we are indeed very good DOERS.  It makes us to feel good to be of use, of service, and of care to others.  It helps us keep the energy of walking in the path.

We have banners in around our building that proclaim, “Be the Church”.  They do NOT say “run around so much that you cannot hear what I am saying”.

It is so hard for us Do’ers to find the light of BEING. Many of us did not enjoy the Covid pandemic decrease to shelter in place.  It was a lonely, boring disruption to our joyful, communal activities. But the most loving thing to do was to slow down from being a DO’er of the light and become a BE’er of the light.

Be’ing encourages us to slow, to pray, and to meditate more.  Prayer is about talking to God and lifting up our hearts.  Meditation is then shutting up to listen.  So we are asked to pray and meditate.  Ever talk to someone at a party and think, “Will they ever shut up?”  I can imagine God thinking, “Thank God they are finally being quiet…I have been waiting and waiting to speak”

Instead of doing, may we stop and focus our attention to the light around us in the blessings.  Instead of doing, perhaps recall and write down those things, those people, those events that have shaped us and supported us.  May we BE in gratitude!

Part of spiritual growth and expansion is embracing the journey of listening to the voice of the Divine in the stillness and in the silence.  We are so good at DO’ing light.  Remember our Kindergarten teachers.  Whenever we got ready to make a shift in class, they would stop, put a finger to their lips, and invite us, “Shhhh…listen”.

	May we BE so filled with light, 
	that we will not BE moved in fear.  
	Instead, in our peace BElieve
	we will BE able to listen and to hear.  
	May we BEgin to create new avenues
	and discover new ways to BEcome the person
	we were created to BE.


Proclaiming Your Truth


Be a Tree