Stop Playing Small

True humility isn't about pretending we are worth less than another.  True humility requires recognizing who and how valuable we are.  We all have have a role to play in lighting up the world.  We have the power to lift someone up or push them down with our actions and words.   

We are NOT just invited to participate in God's mission of healing and reconciling, it is what we were born for!  Staying small serves no one and nothing but the status quo.  Staying small is safe and actually a bit selfish.

True humility doesn't shirk power.  True humility requires claiming power.  We are about something larger than ourselves.  We are most fully ourselves when we are most fully engaged in God's mission.

When we claim our power, we CREATE real value.  "Creativity" is a powerful word. This kind of creativity is what it means to be made in the image of the Divine.  Our personal power is the power of creativity.  True humility calls us to recognize the worth of every other person. If our power is God's creative power, then we have the power to change the world in the service of every human being.

People ask & worry & search the question, ”What is my purpose?”  I sense that the details of our purpose can change over the years and seasons of our growth and lessons.  We can have big and small purpose.  We can be asked to live in a place for a time — we can be tasked for big projects.  But who we are in the midst of the process of that creation becomes the transformation linch pin.  True humility serves to empower.  Ego serves to disempower and to control.

The world needs the strength of your humility to empower others for everyone’s highest good.  Each time we help another, we are truly empowering ourselves to live in a world free of suffering and control.


5th Dimensional Consciousness


10 Signs of Spiritual Awakening