Energy is Everything

Best known for developing the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein also made important contributions to quantum mechanics.  One of his most famous quotes proclaims, “Everything is energy”.  Was he speaking literally, philosophically, or metaphorically? Yes!  He meant that all matter in the universe contains energy, and energy itself cannot be created or destroyed – it just changes form.  He is also quoted, “The more I study science, the more I believe in God.”

Nikola Tesla is known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current and electricity supply system.  He attempted to develop a wireless lighting system and conducted a series of public demonstrations where he lit Geissler tubes and even incandescent light bulbs from across a stage.  From the 1890s through 1906, Tesla strove to develop the transmission of electrical power without wires. A genius far ahead of his time and ours today, he proclaimed, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Everything is energy.  Some particles are faster or slower moving.  We too are connected by a system of communication a system of energy.  We are part of the energy of Creation that flows through and all around us.  We are a physical BODY, a neurological MIND, and a conscious SPIRIT.

Our greatest strength is SPIRIT. The world’s greatest strength is the Divine spark and Spirit in YOU.  Now with wifi we are able to send signals around the world in emails and texts in a matter of seconds.  If plants and trees are able to listen in on their neighbors, sending signals to prepare for future growth, how much more are we empowered to shift energy and grow Divine Spirit among us.

If everything is energy, it means we are interconnected with Creation and to one another.  The energy within you is the same energy within me. We’re all part of the same quantum field.  We just happen to be created to express the diversity of the Divine itself in different ways.

Thoughts both positive and negative are also energy.  Unfortunately, both can shape our reality.  Both are forms of creativity.  The Law of Attraction says, “Where you put your focus is where the energy will flow”.  When we send love, others feel the bouyant effects, helping them be their best selves.  When we are stuck in anger or judgement at another, they feel what we are sending their way.

We have the power to shape our own reality by connecting with the highest Divine Spirit and source of unlimited energy.  May we seek to be the best vessels to receive and transmit energy for the highest good for ourselves and all we meet.


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